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Q: How do I read the Chart?


The Beginning:

The chart begins at Birth/Incarnation, and then the life follows the path to the upper or lower section. Which way it goes depends upon whether the life impulses are essentially rooted in selfishness or selflessness, which is why these qualities possess separate capsules immediately beside birth/incarnation. These, in turn, are connected with the fundamentals related to fearlessness, responsibility and community, or the lack thereof. We now have the scaffolding on which any life will be built.


The basic orientation to life, as expressed at the beginning of the Chart, is a combination of “nature’ and “nurture,” the state of the soul as it enters life and the environment in which it works and which supports movement in one direction or another. A strong soul will gravitate to the upper chart regardless of outside influences, even using resistance from the world to strengthen its quest, whereas many souls look definitely outwards for guidance and will go whichever way is indicated by the family, education, society and circumstance. That is why these things are so very important, and why those in the upper or mature section of the Chart must be the leaders in the home, the school, and throughout society.

The Upper Chart:

Once in the upper section, the qualities are all inter-related and mutually supportive, as expressed by the fact that no capsule stands alone but is always touching others. The three words in each capsule can be read as a synthetic trio, or as a progression, leading from the bottom word to the top. All the qualities are expressions of the basic energies of light, love and power, and these, in turn, emanate from ‘the Synthesis that Is.’ The colours and numbers in each capsule show the relationship between the qualities in the upper and lower sections of the chart, since the lower is a distortion of the upper. All things come from the One Synthesis and the Three Essentials of Light, Love and Power. The difference is in the purity and clarity of expression. The immature, deluded and deformed qualities are immature, deluded and deformed expressions of the same higher energies and qualities, the same Light, Love and Power, that create everything.


The Lower Chart:

The lower chart can be read across the single lines (immature-deluded-deformed), in which case the key qualities of a level can be gleaned, or downwards, as a progression from the immature to deluded to deformed version of a specific quality, attribute or tendency. The colour and number code assists with this, as the capsules containing the words curiosity-disrespect-exploitation, for instance, are all the same purple colour and the number 21 appears with all three.


All the lower qualities, if allowed to progress and develop, are symptoms and causes of blindness, fragmentation and folly, and these basic conditions, corresponding as the inverted perversions of Light, Love and Power, grow and grow until finally the soul employing those qualities, rather than progressively perceiving and expressing the great Truth of Synthesis, or Oneness, reaches a point of such nullity that it is accurately described as “cosmic rubbish,” a waste product of nature, a spiritual failure. 


The Catapults:

At any time the individual may ‘exit sub-humanity’ via the catapults, and this does not mean going back ‘up’ to the immature stage if, for instance, one is mainly deluded. One is ‘hurled’ into and by the catapults whenever the qualities in the catapult section are truly experienced. These qualities are the Fire that burn away impurities and confusions. They produce the transmutation of a single underlying substance – the human soul, into a new and more brilliant form.


Having been catapulted into the realm of the higher or mature qualities, one is entirely there. If, later, by the continued force of selfishness, residing in some aspect of the nature (e.g. mental, emotional, physical) or in some habitual tendencies, one again descends, one is entirely there, in the lower sections. One cannot occupy the upper and lower sections at the same time. One is entirely in one or the other, always with the potentiality to ascend or descend in each moment, with each circumstance, with every thought, word and deed. Each experience of the higher qualities puts greater pressure on the “lower self,” exerting a magnetic pull upwards, until, eventually, the downward gravitation of the lower qualities is entirely transcended, and perpetual rising in the realm of the higher qualities is all that remains. As the individual rises and stabilizes in maturity, he or she likewise increases the upward or evolutionary pull on all Humanity and indeed all Creation, and in this way powerfully serves the Good of the Whole.


Notice, again, that the colour and number associated with a series of three words on the lower chart corresponds to the colour and number of one of the three-word capsules on the upper chart. The lower chart is an inversion of the higher. So, for instance, on the upper chart there is the movement from appreciation to communication to inspiration. On the lower chart, the same colour and number appears for the movement from curiosity to disrespect to exploitation. This means that curiosity is the immature distortion of appreciation, disrespect is the deluded correspondence of communication, and exploitation is the deformed equivalent of inspiration. In each case it is the same quality, or response to a situation, but after one has gone down to the lower chart via selfishness, instead of to the upper via selflessness.



Q: Why do the same words appear more than once in some of the sections?

Each quality has many shadings or aspects and can be part of different progressions. Greed, for instance, in one of its aspects, leads to prudence – a very clever game of calculating gains and losses, and this, if one persists in it, leads ultimately to miserliness, which embodies the total absence of the spirit of giving and sharing, the misery of mistrust of everyone and everything, the state of being cut off from any creative, joyous interchange and flow. This is where the immature quality of greed can lead in one of its aspects. It is equally true that greed leads to ambition, which is an overwhelming desire to get and achieve things for oneself alone, and this, as it deforms the individual, leads to the violence of straight-out tyranny – the attempt to dominate others by any and all means. In both cases greed is the beginning of the progression, but the one aspect of it leads to a hateful closing down of existence, while another leads to a hateful lashing out at it. In both cases, greed is the best word to describe the immature stage.


When a particular quality appears repeatedly on one line, it means it is a prominent feature of that level, such as greed on the immature line, ambition and cleverness on the deluded, and chaos and nihilism on the deformed.


When the same word appears in different sections, it is again a different form or an intensified version of the same basic quality. Selfishness, for instance, appears at both the immature and deluded stages. Immature selfishness is the excited, almost innocent version of the quality, while the deluded person now expresses a calculating selfishness that feels it can manage life so as to maximize personal gain. It is the same quality, but ‘morphed’ into a different shape, or psyche. Selfishness also appears as a fundamental impulse following birth/incarnation, leading towards the 1st and 2nd dimensional world and its qualities. This again indicates that selfishness is a key quality in the panoply of the chart.


In the 3+ dimensional section of the chart, serenity and service are repeated, indicating their great, multi-faceted importance, and the quality of dissatisfaction, one of the catapults into the upper regions, also appears within that upper region, since it remains as a constant evolutionary urge, conquering inertia and complacency and thereby earning its place not only as a catapult, but also as a core feature of the maturing human being. It therefore is equally important in both sections of the chart.


Q: What do the 1,2 and 3+ dimensions refer to?

They refer mainly to states of consciousness, or awareness, though they roughly correspond to the physical concept of dimensions. They are very important because a person can only live and act in the world they inhabit, and this world is determined mainly by the broadness or narrowness of the consciousness, and not by the outer circumstances. The person living in the deformed qualities has reduced life to a single point – the individual ego, the totally isolated and separated self. We call this “one dimensional” consciousness, because nothing but the ego is included. The person on the immature line is usually 2-dimensional, like a painting - they have height and width, but no depth, since they are a flat surface. Any depth they seem to possess is an illusion. Immature people are just like that, despite their usual self-absorption. They also tend to live in a rather silly world of simplistic opposites - This and That, Black and White, Good and Bad, etc. This again makes the “two” of 2-dimensional very appropriate. The Deluded individual is somewhere between the 1 and 2 levels, blending black and white into a mediocre and increasingly amoral grey. Whereas, the human being working with the human and humanizing qualities occupies a world of great depth and variety. They see and marvel at the actual 3-dimensional world in which we physically live, and, inwardly, they find that the world and each of the great human qualities stretches into Infinity in all directions. How many dimensions are there? That is the Mystery, which begins to unfold in revelation as the human being is humanized.  

The Big Picture:

If you are looking to understand the structure of nature, read the Chart from the very top, down: beginning with synthesis, we come to the essential three: light-love-power, and these are the source of all the higher qualities. Since synthesis informs everything, all the higher qualities are connected, as the design of the image demonstrates. Nothing is separate, nothing is crudely ‘this or that,’ but all are mutually related and supportive as facets of an elegant tapestry. The maturing human being works to reflect this perfect equilibrium of higher qualities in him or herself, since even a higher quality can be limiting if not balanced by other higher qualities.


In studying the higher qualities, you could see each of them as expressions of light, or love, or power, or all three, and you would be correct. They provide endless material for study and expression. The immature, deluded and deformed qualities are also expressions of light, love and power, and are also versions of the higher qualities, after they are mutated by the action of selfishness. This essential sameness of the upper and lower chart is the solid basis of brotherhood, of compassion, of faith, and of hope. It solves the riddle of good and evil, and explains the strange saying that “all is good.” It is suggested that we “ponder on that.”


You may note that the mature qualities are over and on the actual, revolving, evolving earth. These qualities inform and sustain the earth, providing its significance, its meaning and purpose, in and beyond itself. The lower qualities are over and above the same earth, but made gray, flat and false by the action of selfishness, fear, isolation and irresponsibility. It is the same earth, the same world, yet very different. Herein lies revealed the enormous power and the great promise of the human qualities. 

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