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“The time has come to reclaim sport from shallow, short-sighted influences, and to restore its sense of meaning and purpose. That’s what this book is about.” Noble Tennis: The Wisdom of Sport introduces philosophy as the missing, key ingredient in the realm of athletics. A humanistic philosophy leads to nobleness as the natural urge to play becomes a source of life-enhancing qualities. Noble Tennis: The Wisdom of Sport is a sane reminder of the joy of enthusiasm, the pure love of the game, from which the great qualities of serenity, patience, concentration and fearlessness flow. In the book, each of these qualities is explored and, with the help of the many "Try This!" suggestions, the benefits of implementing them revealed. These benefits apply equally on and off the court. Players find that the qualities are transferable to all of life, and playing “in the zone” is easy when the noble qualities are expressed.

Noble Tennis: The Wisdom of Sport Paperback

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